WA08784 Deer at Deer Park, Olympic National Park, WA
CA01828 Harbor seal, Scripps Marine Park, La Jolla, CA
MT123F Columbian ground squirrel, Glacier National Park, MT
OR1335C Ground squirrel, Newberry National Volcanic Monument, OR
CA455O Harbor seal, Scripps Marine Park, La Jolla, CA
OR2279O Gray wolf, Oregon Zoo, Portland, OR
OR28001 Dragonfly, Winema National Forest, OR
MT77F Bison on tour drive, National Bison Range, MT
WA27053 Bighorn sheep, Oak Creek Wildlife Area, WA
WA14063 Cow, Hovander Homestead County Park, Ferndale, WA
OR1950N Tree frog, Willamette National Forest, OR
OR1824B Salmonfly hatching, Casey State Park, OR
WA08399 Crab near Wedding Rock, Olympic National Park, WA
WA05362 Chipmunk, Mt Rainier National Park, WA
WA09174 Orca, Lime Kiln Point State Park, WA
WA01007 Alligator lizard, Klickitat Wildlife Area, WA
OR672F Roosevelt elk, Jewell Meadow Wildlife Area, OR
XR00009 Dachshund
WY56S Lodgepole fence and bison, Grand Teton National Park, WY
OR2040M Chipmunk, Mt Hood National Forest, OR
OR656Q Pacific giant salamander, Siuslaw National Forest, OR
OR2008J Golden-mantled ground squirrel, Crater Lake National Park, OR
OR2248J Dawn & Marley (cats), Heceta Head Lighthouse Bed and Breakfast, OR
CA5J Elephant Seal, Ano Nuevo State Park, CA
OR05268 Gray whale, Depoe Bay, OR
OR12321 Golden-mantled ground squirrel, Deschutes National Forest, OR
NM75R Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Petroglyph National Monument, NM
WA08599 Mountain goat, Olympic National Park, WA
OR624C Starfish, Bob Creek State Park, OR
OR2069F Deer silhouette, Wallowa Lake State Park, OR
OR2353G Sheep, Linn County, OR
PA193A Snapping turtle, Presque Isle State Park, PA
TX5S Deer, Brazos Bend State Park, TX
WA1089B Bee on fireweed, Mt Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, WA
WA15113 Deer, Sun Mountain Lodge, Okanogan County, WA
WA27011 Horse in winter, Camas Prairie, Klickitat County, WA
WA784A Starfish, Hood Canal, Scenic Beach State Park, WA
WA05355 Pika, Mt Rainier National Park, WA
OR838F Pacific treefrog, Sauvie Island Wildlife Area, OR
OR05351 Sea lion, Newport, OR
WA05197 False hellebore with spider, Mt Rainier National Park, WA
WA08876 Deer on Hurricane Hill, Olympic National Park, WA
WA12419 Marmot, Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Wenatchee National Forest, WA
WA09186 Kayakers with orca, Lime Kiln Point State Park, WA
OR23048 Blacktail deer in sea cave, Cape Lookout State Park, OR
OR2293G Dungeness crab, Cape Lookout State Park, OR
OR2103K Deer, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, OR
OR1740M Cattle during round-up, Oregon Outback Scenic Byway, OR
CA6K Desert tortoise, Desert Tortoise Preserve, CA
MA24G Toad, Pittsfield State Forest, MA
FL15K Gopher tortoise, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, FL